METS Ignited was one of six Industry Growth Centres funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources.
METSIgnited has successfully concluded its eight-year program, enhancing collaboration and commercialisation within the Mining Equipment, Technology, and Services (METS) sector.

The objectives of the Industry Growth Centres was to accelerate commercialisation of innovation in Australia, enhancing industry skills and capabilities and growing exports in sectors of national competitive advantage.

METS Ignited invested over $16 million into 35 collaborative projects, attracting 2.5 times industry matched funding and supporting the development of 20 new Australian technology companies, generating over 1,000 jobs. These companies are projected to contribute $900 million to the Australian economy by 2025.
In addition to our direct funding of collaborative projects, and our Accelerators, Masterclasses and Cluster Initiatives, METS Ignited has invested in the development of multiple innovation hubs, precincts, consortium and support organisations
METS Ignited’s legacy is the innovation ecosystem we supported, investing in numerous organisations such as Core Innovation, QuantumTX, the Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP), Resources Centre of Excellence, the Electric Mine Consortium (EMC), enviroMETS QLD, Unearthed and the Future Batteries CRC (FBICRC).