Project description and overview

The project is focussed on developing and deploying a low-cost sensor-communications system which can be retrofitted onto mobile equipment at any mine-site. The system enables data to be captured and processed to support decision making in real-time improving production, safety and asset health outcomes. Designed to operate in harsh mining environments and with ease of use in mind, the system is plug-and-play and can function either standalone or integrated into onsite networks.

This project applied the technology to detect oversized ore when loaded in-pit, allowing drivers to reroute trucks away from the crusher to prevent blockages and costly down-time. Simplified integration allows the system to quickly be rolled out at scale, while reduced maintenance requirements means the system is easily managed for any mine capacity.

Estimates show that for an iron ore mine, the technology can reduce blockages and increase mine production by 3-4%. For a 20mtpa mine, this amounts to an increase of 800ktpa in production.

The sensor technology is scalable to most mobile and fixed mining plant from pit to port. There is competition in this market but there isn’t any established provider. It is a good collaboration between a technology provider, an engineering solutions company and a Tier 1 miner.

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Project Participants


Government Funds


Recover up to 80% of revenue loss attributed to crusher blockages.

High potential for sales to flow through to all hard rock mining operations.

Good collaboration between small complementary METS companies and a Tier 1 Miner.

Good opportunity for technology to be applied to other mobile equipment e.g. rail cars.


Expected $10M p.a. revenue from global market.


 Multiple FTE Manufacturing, Mechatronics jobs.